
5 Latest Trends in Cloud Computing you ought to know.

After all the buzz about Cloud being the new paramount for businesses, now the aim is to optimize the Cloud in a more efficient way. Gone are the days when technology was just a backend support to keep your technical aspects in place. Today, technology has grown into a powerful tool, driving business efficiency and revamping the IT landscape. And it’s evident that the Cloud will be on high-demand throughout this series of rapid advancements. That’s how the question of ‘what the future expectations from Cloud Computing are?’ comes to our mind.
So, today I will be discussing 5 Cloud Computing trends which are anticipated to be the most kairotic for the IT industry.

Marrying Cloud with the DevOps

If you assume that DevOps is a tool then, you are on the wrong track. DevOps is a process of continual improvement which brings your team of developers and operations together to work in harmony, innovating better Cloud strategies that accommodate the future goals of the businesses. The transition of product economy to a service economy has given rise to the DevOps era. The contemporary business model is more inclined towards delivering experiences rather than just the product. Thus, a marriage between Cloud and DevOps is contemplated to be the next productive practice in delivering superior value for the businesses.

Shifting from Cloud adoption to Cloud Optimization

2018 and the years ahead will deliberately shift the business focus from Cloud adoption to Cloud optimization. Optimization will happen in different forms- data optimization, cost-saving, multi-cloud governance and management. All these factors will contribute in building stronger Cloud computing and management strategies for future. The cost will play a major role in encouraging businesses to relocate to the Cloud for cost-saving and minting new revenue through this new evolving technology.

IoE (Internet of Everything) will steal the Spotlight

IoE (Internet of Everything) is an extension of IoT. IOT (Internet of Things) emphasizes on, machine to machine communication (M2M) while IoE emphasizes on, machine to people communication (M2P) and people-to-people communications backed by technology also called P2P interaction. IoE is a future ideation that internet connections (The Cloud) will not be limited to the usual machine operations like laptops, desktops, mobiles, iPad etc. which is IoT. Here, the machines and hardware will become smarter extending the access to data and creating better networking opportunities for businesses across the globe. With IoE applications like digital sensor tools, RFID tags, the devices will be more intelligent, automated and communicate dynamically without any human intervention. It’s evident that Cloud computing will take the front seat in the execution, as its approach of developing an IoE environment stands parallel to what the Cloud offers in terms of computational and storage resources.

Enhanced Cloud Security

As 2017 was marked to be the year of cyber-attacks like WannaCry, Ransomware, the CIA Vault 7, a more serious attack to decipher the Cloud infrastructure is likely to occur in the future. To eliminate such a threat, Cloud providers will require to use cutting-edge technology and state-of-the-art infrastructure for all-around data security. All the businesses will have to be more cautious and fanatical about detecting and preventing such attacks. Investing in security tools to protect the information against security breaches, hackers and malware attacks is the way moving forward. Once again Cloud will play a major role here, with all services managed and secured delivering durable solutions for businesses which are not adept to implement full security measures.

Rapid Expansion of Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid Cloud is a computing environment that blends public cloud and private cloud in such a manner that all the data and applications are shared among them. Research predicts that enterprises will widely adopt the Hybrid Cloud over the public cloud in the years to come. The most prime reason being the security of data in the public cloud model as all the data and applications are stored online. On the contrary, Hybrid Cloud environment offers more flexibility, allows better control, saves costs, ensures supercharged security of the data and applications creating a broad room for innovation and growth for businesses. Indulgence of multiple clouds in one organization will help to centralize the cloud infrastructure and keep it more manageable for the businesses.

So, are you ready for the Cloud Computing Revolution?

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