
Is Cloud Hosting More Secure than Traditional Hosting?

In the era where everything is so expensive, many businesses are trying to cut budgets and resort to something which does not cut into their pockets as much. Whether you have an enterprise level business or a small and medium-sized business, efficient new ways are a must to manage the businesses web hosting needs. The environment of web hosting has been changing, making these businesses look beyond traditional setups, and into the world and possibilities of cloud hosting.

In a search for the right web hosting service provider, you will come across two of the major choices- traditional hosting and cloud hosting. Confused as to which one is perfect for your business needs? Read on as we give you a clear picture of what will suit your needs.

There are two kinds of traditional hosting: dedicated and shared.

Traditional hosting:


With dedicated hosting, Complete resources of servers from a service provider are paid for by the company. The client has a set amount of dedicated amount of RAM, CPU and drives space and the client has full access and control to the server’s resources.


In shared hosting, the server is shared with many other customers and websites. Shared hosting is used by most of the small and medium scale websites, since its cost effective and does not require a lot of maintenance.

Traditional hosting especially shared hosting, has its drawbacks.

  • As a single server is shared amongst many different websites, any spike in traffic of other websites can impact the performance on your own.
  • Performance issues or security breaches on other websites can result in downtime of your website as well.
  • Also, if there is a technical problem on the whole server, it affects all the hosted websites on the server.

On the other hand, Cloud Hosting is one of the emerging technologies has its advantages

  • With cloud hosting, the load is balanced across multiple servers.
  • The applications and information that are present on those servers are mirrored across the entire cluster, meaning that if an individual server goes down, there is no lost information or downtime.
  • Large companies such as Amazon, Google, and Microsoft rent out their server

Cloud hosting is a new technology as compared to traditional hosting. Many who have experience with traditional hosting are not comfortable, rather hesitant to move to this new technology. Shared hosting is convenient and provides consumers with a low-entry hosting solution, and the consumers have used it with ease. But if you’re on the lookout for a flexible, low-cost solution, it is definitely time to move to the cloud. Cloud Hosting shields the website from virus and provides great security provisions from unauthorized access and malware attacks. As per dedicated cloud hosting provision, the hosting service provider manages and monitors the system administration of a user’s website and executes operations to establish that users have a speedy disaster recovery.

Need help in getting cloud hosting plan for your website? Visit QualiSpace.com


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